



In the bustling city where ambition and desire intertwine, a web of secrets and desires begins to unravel. Roselyn, a heavenly beauty with a gentle soul, finds herself at the center of a love triangle. Her twin sister, Roseanne, harbors a deep resentment towards her, fueling a bitter rivalry. As their lives intertwine with the charismatic Sebastian and the cunning Vincent, tensions rise and loyalties are tested. But amidst the intricate dance of attraction and manipulation, another player emerges. Victoria, a carefree and attention-seeking girl, disrupts the delicate balance, weaving her own desires into the tapestry of emotions. As love blossoms and hearts collide, the stakes grow higher, and the bonds of friendship are pushed to their limits. In this electrifying tale of passion and betrayal, each character must navigate their own desires while unraveling the dark secrets that bind them. From the glitz and glamour of their privileged lives to the depths of their hidden vulnerabilities, the journey will lead them to confront their deepest fears and discover the true nature of love. In a world where power, wealth, and emotions collide, who will emerge victorious, and who will be left broken in the wake of their choices? The threads of their destinies are intertwined, and as the stakes rise, they must confront the consequences of their actions and face the ultimate question: What price are they willing to pay for love?


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I will write great stories and reach to you with my imagination. I actually write romance, fantasy, cute love stories, and many more. One day I will be publishing a horror story and another day I would publish comedy story, so stay tuned and join my world full of different genres and styles. Love you all Cherries!!

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